I Won’t Be Pretty For You: Vulvas Queered
I Won’t Be Pretty For You: Vulvas Queered is a gender-inclusive photo project that asked participants about the vision they have of their vulva and produced an artistic collaboration as an answer.
VULVA is defined here as "external genitalia of many females, males, and intersex people." Social assumptions about what vulvas should look like can lead to shame, confusion, psychological distress, and unnecessary surgeries. The images in I Won’t Be Pretty For You convey vulvas re-imagined, vulvas queered.
This series deepens the conversation beyond genitals = gender or sex, and directly opposes the idea that the vulva is a body part that should look the same on every body.
I Will Not Be Pretty For You: Vulvas Queered (Foto Femme United, June 15, 2021)
“Birthing the Ni Una Menos (Not One Less) Movement”
“I Won’t Be Pretty For You”
"No Lips Like My Lips"
"Illuminate Me"
"Take Your Trauma Outside"
“Super Pussy”
"My Pussy Is Mine"
“Marking Bodies”